ANSYS Electronics Suite (2024 R2) (2024) скачать торрент

ANSYS Electronics Suite
  • Издатель: ANSYS
  • Год выпуска: 2024
  • Язык интерфейса: Английский
  • Версия: 2024 R2
  • Название: ANSYS Electronics Suite
  • Размер: 22.31 GB
  • Таблетка: Присутствует

  • Описание:
    ANSYS is the leading provider of electromagnetic simulation software, engineers rely on our electromagnetic field solvers and system simulation products to design communication and networking systems, integrated circuits (ICs), printed circuit boards (PCBs) and electromechanical systems.
    ANSYS signal integrity analysis products are ideal for designing high-speed serial channels, parallel buses and complete power delivery systems found in modern high-speed electronic devices.
    Our RF and Microwave design and simulation software enables engineers to design, simulate and validate high-frequency components and antennas found in communication systems, mobile devices, computers, radio and radar.
    ANSYS electromechanical simulation software is ideal for the design of electromechanical and power electronics components and systems common to the automotive, aerospace and industrial automation industries.
    About ANSYS Inc.
    Inc.ANSYS brings clarity and insight to customers' most complex design challenges through fast, accurate and reliable engineering simulation. Our technology enables organizations no matter their industry to predict with confidence that their products will thrive in the real world. Customers trust our software to help ensure product integrity and drive business success through innovation. Founded in 1970, ANSYS employs more than 2,500 professionals, many of them expert in engineering fields such as finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, electronics and electromagnetics, and design optimization. Headquartered south of Pittsburgh, U.S.A., ANSYS has more than 75 strategic sales locations throughout the world with a network of channel partners in 40+ countries.
    Скачать новую версию 2024 R2 программного обеспечения ANSYS Electronics Suite с помощью торрента бесплатно. Данная версия вышла в 2024 году и создана разработчиком ANSYS, языковая поддержка составляет пакет: Английский. Размер дистрибутива составляет порядка 22.31 GB. После скачивания ANSYS Electronics Suite оцените раздачу и оставьте комментарий, также рекомендуем купить лицензионную копию программы.

    Системные требования:
    Recommended Minimum Configuration (for Optimal Performance):
    Supported processors: AMD Athlon 64, AMD Opteron, Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support,
    Intel Pentium 4 with Intel EM64T support
    Video card: 128-bit SVGA or PCI Express video card
    Hard Drive Space 4.5 GB
    RAM: 8 GB
    OS: Windows

    Как качать?:
    Для скачивания торрент файла нажмите внизу на ссылку для скачивания, вам откротется новая вкладка с информацией о файле и 10 секундным таймером, по истечении которого появится ссылка на скачивание.
    ansys-electronics-suite-2024-r2-win64-2024-eng.torrent [112.41 Kb] (cкачиваний: 40)

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