PHDWin (3.1.17) (2024) скачать торрент

PHDwin V3 не зря ждали в нефтегазовом мире. Ни одна другая программная платформа не обеспечивает беспрецедентную скорость вычислений, практически неограниченный размер базы данных, практичные инструменты проектирования и сложные экономические расчеты, и все это в настраиваемом пользовательском интерфейсе. С PHDwin V3 вы добьетесь лучших резервов за счет лучшей экономики.
PHDwin V3 has been highly anticipated in the oil and gas world for good reason. No other software platform delivers unparalleled calculation speeds, virtually limitless database size, practical engineering tools, and sophisticated economic calculations all packaged inside a highly customizable user interface. With PHDwin V3 you’ll achieve better reserves through better economics.
Доп. информация:
Although PHDWin only requires Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Server Express, it is also recommended that the computer has Microsoft Excel. Excel is used as one of the standard output formats for reports in PHDWin. PHDWin is compatible with Microsoft Office Professional 2003 or later as well as Office 365.
The installation files on the Beta Website include the option to install SQL Server Management Studio. This is highly recommended for use with the Beta Version of PHDWin so that you can manage databases.
Системные требования:
Intel Core i3 processor or better
8 GB RAM or better
500GB Hard Drive
Windows 7(64 bit) or newer
Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Server Express
PHDWin is compatible with versions 2012 or later
Screen resolution of 1920x1080 or greater
Intel Core i3 processor or better
8 GB RAM or better
500GB Hard Drive
Windows 7(64 bit) or newer
Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Server Express
PHDWin is compatible with versions 2012 or later
Screen resolution of 1920x1080 or greater
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