Lattice Semiconductor Lattice Diamond (3.5.0 Build 102) (2016) скачать торрент

Система проектирования от американского производителя ПЛИС (FPGA) для своих же микросхем, конкурент Altera и Xilinx - Diamond Version 3.5
New Device Support
ECP5 family access using standard Diamond user licenses
ECP5U (non-serdes): Free or Subscription license
ECP5UM (serdes): Subscription License
Clarity Designer Tool (ECP5 only)
Planner – enable un-placement of individual ports, rather than the entire interface.
SEI Editor Tool (ECP5 only) – this is a new tool used to create single event errors to an operating ECP5 for system testing (general access)
Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE)
Support added for 4 Diamond FPGA families. LSE will be selected for the synthesis tool, by default, for new projects targeting these families. Existing projects will continue to use the synthesis tool previously used by that project.
LatticeECP2, LatticeECP2M
Note – families previously supported: MachXO, MachXO2, MachXO3L, ECP5
Feature addition: support of non-zero initialization of register
Continued improvements to the Netlist Analyzer. For example:
Enhanced performance of major commands: filter, expand, flatten
Enhance cross probe from post-MAP view to Technology view, improving accuracy
Enhance “property dialog” and “tooltip”, displaying parameter information and correct fan-outs number for nets
Updated HDL attributes: support of syn_encoding = “safe”
Diamond Programmer
Add Diamond Deployment Tool hex conversion options
Updates to device programming
General access to ECP5
Synopsys SynplifyPro Synthesis update: to version J-2015.03L
Aldec Active-HDL Simulation no change (version 10.1)
Доп. информация: Diamond Feature List
Standard FPGA design flow functions
Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE): Lattice developed logic-synthesis tool designed specifically to produce the best possible results for ultra-low density and low density FPGAs (for more information please click here – go to LSE page)
Intuitive HDL text editor that includes keyword highlight support for VHDL, Verilog HDL, EDIF, and Lattice Preference Language
IPexpress: an integrated interface to Lattice catalog of functional modules, reference designs, and intellectual property(IP), all optimized for Lattice programmable products
Netlist Analyzer: an integrated pre and post synthesis result GUI
LSE editor
Clarity Designer
Platform Designer: a tool that enables you to create and control a complete hardware system using the Platform Manager 2 device or MachXO2 with external analog sense and control (ASC)
Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE): Lattice developed logic-synthesis tool designed specifically to produce the best possible results for ultra-low density and low density FPGAs (for more information please click here – go to LSE page)
Spreadsheet View: GUI tool to allow users to enter and view design constraints such as pin assignments, clock resource usage, global preferences, timing preferences and more
Package View: Easy graphical assignment tool of signals to pins that also allows SSO noise analysis
Floorplan View to provide the ability to view and edit placement constraints
Physical View to provide a detailed read-only view of the physical routing of paths for more detailed understanding of timing issues
Netlist View to provide browsing of design ports, instances, and nets for drag and dropping into other views such as Package View for setting constraints
NCD View to provide access to detailed usage information of physical components such as SLICEs, PIOs, IOLOGIC, and other elements
Device View to provide the ability to browse device specific resources and cross-probe to other views
Cross probing across the views above
ECO Editor provides quick access to commonly used netlist editing functions such as sysIO settings, PLL parameters, and memory initialization without having to use a full editor such as EPIC
Multiple implementations in a project to allow multiple versions of a design within a single project for easy design exploration
Multiple Strategies for implementation “recipes” to be applied to any implementation within a project or shared between projects
Run Manager view to allow parallel processing of multiple implementations in order to explore design alternatives for the best results
Timing Analysis View offers an easy to use graphical environment for navigating timing information
Power Calculator uses highly accurate data models along with a data driven power model to provide power estimation and calculation results, graphical power displays, and reports
Reveal Inserter uses a signal-centric model that allows easy insertion of embedded logic analyzer debug hardware for real-time analysis
Reveal Analyzer features the ability to use, multi-event triggering which can be dynamically changed at run-time and an integrated waveform for displaying captured events from the target FPGA
Simulation Wizard to guide you through all the necessary steps to get your design to a simulator in the format you want
Fully integrated into Diamond and standalone, Programmer allows easy direct normal programming of single or multiple FPGA devices
Diamond Deployment Tool provides an intuitive wizard approach to create the appropriate device programming file in the format required by your deployment method
Tcl Scripting Support
Third Party Tools: Synopsys Synplify Pro and Aldec Active-HDL Lattice Edition II
Системные требования:
The basic system requirements for Lattice Diamond are:
Intel Pentium or Pentium-compatible PC, or AMD Opteron system support
(Linux only)
CPU with the SSE3 instruction set to run the Aldec Active-HDL Lattice
Edition simulator
One of the following operating systems:
Windows Vista (32-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit), or Windows 8
(32-bit or 64-bit).
System Requirements
Release Notes for Lattice Diamond 3.5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.X, 5.3, or 6. The host operating system
can be either 32-bit or 64-bit.
Version 5.3 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux has some extra installation
requirements. See “Configuring Red Hat 5.3” on page 10.
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 SP1 or 11 operating system. Novell
SUSE Linux supports 32-bit only.
Approximately 5.75 GB free disk space
RAM adequate for your FPGA design. For guidelines see “Memory
Requirements” on page 9.
Network adapter and, for a floating license, network connectivity
A node-locked license is based on the physical (hard-coded) address
provided by the network adapter. Network connectivity is not required for a
node-locked license. In the absence of a network connection, you can
install the NWLink IPX/SPX protocol to force recognition of your NIC card
ID (see the installation notice).
A floating license requires access to the license server, so both a network
adapter and connectivity are required.
jаvascript-capable Web browser
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or higher if using the included Aldec ActiveHDL
Lattice Edition simulator
Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later
The basic system requirements for Lattice Diamond are:
Intel Pentium or Pentium-compatible PC, or AMD Opteron system support
(Linux only)
CPU with the SSE3 instruction set to run the Aldec Active-HDL Lattice
Edition simulator
One of the following operating systems:
Windows Vista (32-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit), or Windows 8
(32-bit or 64-bit).
System Requirements
Release Notes for Lattice Diamond 3.5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.X, 5.3, or 6. The host operating system
can be either 32-bit or 64-bit.
Version 5.3 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux has some extra installation
requirements. See “Configuring Red Hat 5.3” on page 10.
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 SP1 or 11 operating system. Novell
SUSE Linux supports 32-bit only.
Approximately 5.75 GB free disk space
RAM adequate for your FPGA design. For guidelines see “Memory
Requirements” on page 9.
Network adapter and, for a floating license, network connectivity
A node-locked license is based on the physical (hard-coded) address
provided by the network adapter. Network connectivity is not required for a
node-locked license. In the absence of a network connection, you can
install the NWLink IPX/SPX protocol to force recognition of your NIC card
ID (see the installation notice).
A floating license requires access to the license server, so both a network
adapter and connectivity are required.
jаvascript-capable Web browser
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or higher if using the included Aldec ActiveHDL
Lattice Edition simulator
Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later
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