Asus RamCache III ( (2018) скачать торрент

Данную программу можно порекомендовать тем, кому кажется, что установленный жесткий диск работает слишком медленно.
ROG RAMCache III software provides transparent solution to increase overall storage performance by utilizing the system memory that is not in use. RAMCache III allocates a cache of RAM between the computer hard disk and the applications, and then reads in real time your performance needs regarding the applications you are currently using and the disk I/O demands. It will copy the most frequently used data from the disk to the RAM cache where it can be processed faster, and then automatically writes it back to the disk. One more thing worth noting is that RAMCache III is now ready to support NVM Express protocol storage devices.
RAMCache III can be utilized for speeding up everything as long as it's in the dedicated storage device at more modest speeds. RAMCache III is also exceptionally simple to use. It only requires the user to determine the amount of RAM that should be allocated as a cache and everything else runs completely in the background. While the new Smart Mode automatically caches all your storage devices at the same time and limits the waste of caching resources.
Системные требования:
Windows 10
Windows 10
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