Ample Sound - Ample China Guqin (1.0.0) (2024) скачать торрент

Ample China Guqin (ACGQ) is sampled on a Shennong-shape Guqin with 12 GB samples, including Head, Body, and Auxiliary group articulations, FX sounds, as well as a select collection of improvised licks. its tone is classical and rich.
To realize the features of a 7-string Riffer, every single string on the Guqin has been completely sampled.
The Artist: Ning Lu.
1. There are 3 articulation groups (Head, Body, and Auxiliary), consisting of 17 articulations in total.
Head Group: Sustain, Natural Harmonic, Short Tremolo, Slide In from Below, Slow Slide In from Below, Slide in from Above.
Body Group: Legato Slide Up, Legato Slide Down, Slide Up and Return, Slide Down and Return, Vibrato, Variable Vibrato, Virtual Portamento.
Auxiliary Group: Open + Slide In, Glissando, Phrase.
2. Recorded with 5 mics (Left 1, Right 1, Left 2, Right 2 and Middle). Each mic volume is adjustable and equipped with channel EQ. Providing 5 Mic modes: AB1, AB2, AB3, MS1 and MS2, capable of colorful sound designs.
Системные требования:
• Windows: 7/8/10/11, 64-bit only.
• 10 GB Hard Disk, Intel i5 or higher.
• Windows: 7/8/10/11, 64-bit only.
• 10 GB Hard Disk, Intel i5 or higher.
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[40.23 Kb] (cкачиваний: 13)
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