Microsoft SQL Server Developer Edition + SP4 (2000) скачать торрент

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition
Доп. информация: Помимо самого SQL присутствует SP4 (SQL2000-KB884525-SP4-x86-ENU.EXE)
Системные требования:
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 operates on computers running Intel
or compatible Pentium, Pentium Pro, or Pentium II processors.
The processor must be running at a minimum of 166 MHz.
The editions and versions of SQL Server 2000 have these
memory (RAM) requirements:
Enterprise Edition 64 MB of minimum, 128 MB recommended
Standard Edition 64 MB of minimum
Personal Edition 64 MB on Windows 2000, 32 MB on all
other operating systems
Developer Edition 64 MB of minimum
Desktop Engine 64 MB minimum on Windows 2000, 32 MB
on all other operating systems
SQL Server 2000 has the following hard drive requirements,
depending on the components and setup option selected:
Database components 95 to 270 MB, 250 MB typical
Analysis Services 50 MB minimum, 130 MB typical
English Query 80 MB
Desktop Engine only 44 MB
SQL Server 2000 requires a monitor with VGA resolution; the
SQL Server graphical tools require a monitor with 800x600
resolution or higher.
SQL Server 2000 requires a CD-ROM drive, and a Microsoft
Mouse or compatible pointing device.
SQL Server 2000 requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or later and
is supported on these operating systems:
* Windows 2000
* Microsoft Windows NT version 4.0 Service Pack 5 or later
* Windows Millennium Edition
* Windows 98
* Windows 95 (client connectivity option only)
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 operates on computers running Intel
or compatible Pentium, Pentium Pro, or Pentium II processors.
The processor must be running at a minimum of 166 MHz.
The editions and versions of SQL Server 2000 have these
memory (RAM) requirements:
Enterprise Edition 64 MB of minimum, 128 MB recommended
Standard Edition 64 MB of minimum
Personal Edition 64 MB on Windows 2000, 32 MB on all
other operating systems
Developer Edition 64 MB of minimum
Desktop Engine 64 MB minimum on Windows 2000, 32 MB
on all other operating systems
SQL Server 2000 has the following hard drive requirements,
depending on the components and setup option selected:
Database components 95 to 270 MB, 250 MB typical
Analysis Services 50 MB minimum, 130 MB typical
English Query 80 MB
Desktop Engine only 44 MB
SQL Server 2000 requires a monitor with VGA resolution; the
SQL Server graphical tools require a monitor with 800x600
resolution or higher.
SQL Server 2000 requires a CD-ROM drive, and a Microsoft
Mouse or compatible pointing device.
SQL Server 2000 requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or later and
is supported on these operating systems:
* Windows 2000
* Microsoft Windows NT version 4.0 Service Pack 5 or later
* Windows Millennium Edition
* Windows 98
* Windows 95 (client connectivity option only)
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